the olympics are over. i no longer care about sports...untill the winter olympics begin. it sucks that this only occurs eveyr 4 years. ah well...the dew action sports qualifying rounds were on after men's volley ball.
i care about those kinnd of sports too, sommthing about a guy on a bike/board mmmmm
Ex is coming over Wed, before work......i don't want to talk...i mean that i want to answer the door,walk to my room, get back into bed, make out a bit, and nap...because this is what my life has consisted of for the past few weeks...minus all the kisses...sad right?!
i hate the damn night shift but i'm gonna adore my paycheck, and then myself after paying Thewife something extra for my overages, a bit off the loan, and a bit into my mac book pro fund...she's my suggamomma and got me my lil chocolate phone...that and i gotta get more supplies...i got a message abt designing for a friends band(it'd be soooooooooooo fab to have them use a design of mine because 1. they are a talented group....and 2. they're getting pretty big so the more people that see what i do the more will like it and it'll get bigger than i ever thought it'd be)...two other custom i needs paint and tees not to mention i've still got my bbf T's tee and thewife's tee both sitting around...and DB and Manny's to order!!!! and i want to start to sketch out new ideas and finda supplier for reasonably priced/good quality pullover and zip up hoodies and blank canvas totes for the fall stuff i'd like to get to the store.......
things are falling into place and it's scary and great all at the same time!
so, i'm busy with the line(D.mae) and i gotta call the store to see if anything else has sold yet!!! so if i need to take a trip to pearle thewife and i might spend most of the night at lickety split waiting for neeko to show up so wife can have her way with her as i.........idunno sit in the corner?!?!?!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
they were all put into boxes and they all came out the same
1. let's play

2. i've decided to not give a fuck what people think about me......
should've decided on the a while ago. it takes me a while to get used to these kind of things...these internal decisions take time.
i cut my hair the other day...just to shorten it in the back and didn't take into account the fact that i haven't relaxed it in a long time and that it curls when's a curly mess and it takes less time for me to do which is a plus the only minus is that out of habit i still flat iron it in the morning.
3.i forget
Sunday, August 17, 2008
lactose intolerant
i'm listening to dave triggiano via the myspace(hence the title o this blog) and thinking abt the fact that it's been SUCH a long time since i've written anything that wasn't music related since...i dnt remember the last time a poem fell out of me...cause that seems to be the way they happen....i also find that i lose timem when writting something like that....and i'm unaware of how long it's been when it's all over. hmph
i can't force it cause then it's crap..although i have a tendency to cringe when going over things i've written in the past......unless it's a review i could read those all day but as far as poems or truths go....can't happen and if i allow you to read it...i have to leave the room and you can't read it out loud considering the fact that i have super human hearing...yeah.
i can't force it cause then it's crap..although i have a tendency to cringe when going over things i've written in the past......unless it's a review i could read those all day but as far as poems or truths go....can't happen and if i allow you to read it...i have to leave the room and you can't read it out loud considering the fact that i have super human hearing...yeah.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
i was gonna blog abt my week but here it is in a few words cause i is tired y'all......
wrk bored wrk recieved 2 custom orders wrk searches for vneck tee for gal i met at Tyler in printmaking wrk annoyed wrk no sleep wrk more no sleeping wrk txt Puppy insomnia reads blogs and more non sleep related side effects wrk sexy txtng the ex that hopefully ends in well we shall see
so there you have it!
and now a survey oy vey! (thnz amaris:
Name: naimah
Nickname(s): neemah neemers neems
Age: 24
Birthday: 3-4-84
Birthplace: philadelphia, pa
Current Location:the couch
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: black/drk brown
Height: 5ft 4
Weight: the small kind
Lefty or Righty: righty
Zodiac Sign: pisces
What Do You Drive: n/a
Screenname: pezimprvzkisses
Color: i wear a lot o drk stuff but i adore teal and slate grey that's a great combo
Number: even nplz
Band: steel train and john mayer
Music Genre: anything that i can visualize in my head while listening
TV Show: prettywhitekidswithproblems
Movie: the ten commandments, the sound of music,little women,the big hit, fear, i'm with goes on and on
Actor: the hawt kind
Actress: ever watch girlfriends or the game...i like those gals
Kind of Movie: funnysappyhonestearthshakingoodtimeskinddastuff
Cartoon: doug and rugrats, obvi.
Sport: no thanks i'd rather watch and even them it'd better be gymnastics or diving or so the olympics
Fast Food Restaurant: mc donald's.
Food: anythang my mommom ever made for me was EPIC
Ice Cream: hello! mint chocolate chip! and it's gotta be green or it's just mint chip and that ain't gr8
Cereal: capn crunch
Candy: cherry.
Drink: coke or pennsylvania dutch root beer
Alcoholic Beverage:woodchuck cider,vodkacranberry, seabreeze, baybreeze
Quote: "it's cool" if ever yoear this phrase you'd better be sure it's REALLY cool aiight!!
{---Do You---}
Have any siblings: 4 i've only met 1 though
Have any pets: magic
Have a job:thankyouforcallingriteaid
Have a cellphone: yes.
Have any special talents or skills: guess so
Have any fears:yup
Have a bedtime: not really.
Sing in the shower: always.
Want to go to college: yes ma'am
Get along with your parents: yes.
Have any piercings: 0.
Have any tattoos: not yet
Swear: uh huh.
Smoke: no
Drink: yea.
Do Drugs: only the ones that are prescribed to me.
{---Love & All That Crap---}
Ever been in love: no
Are you single: yup
.Are you in a relationship: nah
Do you have a crush on someone: eh
Ever been dumped: yes.
Ever dumped someone: no.
Ever had your heart broken: yup
{---This or That---}
Fruit or Vegetable: fruit.
Black or White:?
Lights On or Lights Off: off plz but if i'm workin leave em on plz
TV or Movie:tv.
Car or Truck: hybrid car
Cash or Check: cash.
Rock or Rap: rawk
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
French Toast or French Fries: baked french fries with the skin still on. (gr8 answer!!)
Strawberries or Blueberries: strawberries
Cookies or Muffins: both
Winter Break or Spring Break: both
Hugs or Kisses: both at the same time.
{---Have You Ever---}
Danced in a public place: surely.
Smiled for no reason: yeah
Laughed so hard you cried: yes!
Talked to someone you don't know: yup.
Drank alcohol: mhmm.
Done drugs:nope.
Partied 'til the sun came up: uh huh.
Gotten a ticket:nah.
Been arrested: no.
Been convicted of a crime: umm nope
Been in a wreck: yeah.
Been out of the country: nope.
{---Random & Silly Junk---}
Are you a virgin: ain't got no shame.
Ever TP'd someone's house: no.
Ever egged someone's house: no.
How many languages do you speak: one.
Who do you compare yourself to:
Ever regret anything: one thing.
Do you like being tickled: no, it ends in my not breathing .
What are your goals:get in shape, get this thang off the ground,smile more,heal the injuries,smile more,be more optonistic, ask for help when i need it.
Are your fingers tired: cramp.
Are you tired of this survey: yes yes yes.
Are you happy: tired and with energy.
wrk bored wrk recieved 2 custom orders wrk searches for vneck tee for gal i met at Tyler in printmaking wrk annoyed wrk no sleep wrk more no sleeping wrk txt Puppy insomnia reads blogs and more non sleep related side effects wrk sexy txtng the ex that hopefully ends in well we shall see
so there you have it!
and now a survey oy vey! (thnz amaris:
Name: naimah
Nickname(s): neemah neemers neems
Age: 24
Birthday: 3-4-84
Birthplace: philadelphia, pa
Current Location:the couch
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: black/drk brown
Height: 5ft 4
Weight: the small kind
Lefty or Righty: righty
Zodiac Sign: pisces
What Do You Drive: n/a
Screenname: pezimprvzkisses
Color: i wear a lot o drk stuff but i adore teal and slate grey that's a great combo
Number: even nplz
Band: steel train and john mayer
Music Genre: anything that i can visualize in my head while listening
TV Show: prettywhitekidswithproblems
Movie: the ten commandments, the sound of music,little women,the big hit, fear, i'm with goes on and on
Actor: the hawt kind
Actress: ever watch girlfriends or the game...i like those gals
Kind of Movie: funnysappyhonestearthshakingoodtimeskinddastuff
Cartoon: doug and rugrats, obvi.
Sport: no thanks i'd rather watch and even them it'd better be gymnastics or diving or so the olympics
Fast Food Restaurant: mc donald's.
Food: anythang my mommom ever made for me was EPIC
Ice Cream: hello! mint chocolate chip! and it's gotta be green or it's just mint chip and that ain't gr8
Cereal: capn crunch
Candy: cherry.
Drink: coke or pennsylvania dutch root beer
Alcoholic Beverage:woodchuck cider,vodkacranberry, seabreeze, baybreeze
Quote: "it's cool" if ever yoear this phrase you'd better be sure it's REALLY cool aiight!!
{---Do You---}
Have any siblings: 4 i've only met 1 though
Have any pets: magic
Have a job:thankyouforcallingriteaid
Have a cellphone: yes.
Have any special talents or skills: guess so
Have any fears:yup
Have a bedtime: not really.
Sing in the shower: always.
Want to go to college: yes ma'am
Get along with your parents: yes.
Have any piercings: 0.
Have any tattoos: not yet
Swear: uh huh.
Smoke: no
Drink: yea.
Do Drugs: only the ones that are prescribed to me.
{---Love & All That Crap---}
Ever been in love: no
Are you single: yup
.Are you in a relationship: nah
Do you have a crush on someone: eh
Ever been dumped: yes.
Ever dumped someone: no.
Ever had your heart broken: yup
{---This or That---}
Fruit or Vegetable: fruit.
Black or White:?
Lights On or Lights Off: off plz but if i'm workin leave em on plz
TV or Movie:tv.
Car or Truck: hybrid car
Cash or Check: cash.
Rock or Rap: rawk
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
French Toast or French Fries: baked french fries with the skin still on. (gr8 answer!!)
Strawberries or Blueberries: strawberries
Cookies or Muffins: both
Winter Break or Spring Break: both
Hugs or Kisses: both at the same time.
{---Have You Ever---}
Danced in a public place: surely.
Smiled for no reason: yeah
Laughed so hard you cried: yes!
Talked to someone you don't know: yup.
Drank alcohol: mhmm.
Done drugs:nope.
Partied 'til the sun came up: uh huh.
Gotten a ticket:nah.
Been arrested: no.
Been convicted of a crime: umm nope
Been in a wreck: yeah.
Been out of the country: nope.
{---Random & Silly Junk---}
Are you a virgin: ain't got no shame.
Ever TP'd someone's house: no.
Ever egged someone's house: no.
How many languages do you speak: one.
Who do you compare yourself to:
Ever regret anything: one thing.
Do you like being tickled: no, it ends in my not breathing .
What are your goals:get in shape, get this thang off the ground,smile more,heal the injuries,smile more,be more optonistic, ask for help when i need it.
Are your fingers tired: cramp.
Are you tired of this survey: yes yes yes.
Are you happy: tired and with energy.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
am i missing.......or was the body foud?
i've been busy hobbling around trying not to fuck up my already hurting foot(its been almost two months.....a few weeks on the crutches) and working nights for this the second week. i guess i shouldn't complain but after cait quiting, john taking vacation, and the new guy quiting after a day of training which wasn't even work at all!! i'm the new slave at work now.....and i cannot stand the dumbass questionns people have for me....and and the fact that people come and return things because they think they've been over charged 53 cents for fuckin speed stick!!!!!
i CANNOT wait to get back to the pharmacy i'd much rather someone be upset about medication than toliet tissue.
i CANNOT wait to get back to the pharmacy i'd much rather someone be upset about medication than toliet tissue.
Saturday, August 02, 2008
other things
i wonder if i'll ever find someone, but i also know to do that you have to be willing to be in a position that make you vulnerable. and i know this about myself, that i, don't do that well at all. it's not a good color on me and i don't like the way it fits. i've tried it out, kept it on for a few months and it did nothig but shrink...stick to my much so that i had to try and scrub it all away. three months of drinking in the heat and falling into another person's clamy hands didn't help. his ability to try and take control of the situationthat was made crystal clear to him at our first "date" made me realize that i cannot be careless when it comes down to it. i never have been and will be. all my life i've been ahead of my time. in my mind. and i don't mean that in a sense that i'm smarter and or better than anyone. that's not it...what i mean is that my thoughts were not that of someone my age. when i was five i thought that people would like me more if i had blond hair and blue eyes. not the case. i've been the quirky-funny-witty-little-black-girl all my life. i'm small in stature. not in heart. not in the way i love. not in the way i hope,fight,fear,cry,feel,or just be. i am not small at all. and one day some guy will love me for it. he'll love the gap in my teeth, the scars on my stomach,my love of cheesey pop music and pop culture, the way my hair curls when it's humid, how every michael bolton song i hum turns into a luther vandrose song somehow. and after noticing all of these things about me without my telling him......we know we won't have to go/do anything at all but sit in the same room with one another and be grateful for that. one day this will happen for me. and i'm no longer afraid of it. i love him already. i was raised believing that it's all ready for me. i just have to see it. i do. and it's fucking beautiful.
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