the other night TheWife and i went to a bar after going to the advanced screening of Sex Drive( go see it...i love boy humor!)
this occured mainly because wife wanted to see the Phillies play...things were cool
random mid 30's guy starts to talk to her, then notices me, we continue to talk to him....he buys us drinks... chats for a bit tells wife hshhe hhas nice tits and minutes later tells me mine are ok too....then he asks me what her pussy tastes like...i said i didn't know and felt unbelievably uncomfortable....
a few minutes later he went to the bathroom...and we literally ran from the bar after picking up our tab...but not before adding our last two drinks to his tab.
so, a tip for you guys out there....THIS IS NOT THE WAY TO PICK UP LADIES OK!!!
idunno how men exist at all...unless they are gay at which point i'll probably love you for life.
this just makes it easier to not date. FAIL
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